Instantly learn when the algorithms behind some of the world’s most popular websites make new observations about you, using our privacy‑preserving browser extension.
Fast-track your transparency experience with the FORTYEIGHT Observer browser extension for Chrome, Firefox and Brave.

Designed to protect privacy

Privacy‑preserving automation to detect each time websites like YouTube promote specific topics and content to you. Helping you understand how the algorithms behind some of the most popular websites on the internet unwittingly affect your perception of the world.
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Helps make popular websites more transparent

Instantly become more informed with real‑time updates that show you how organisations perceive you and see when the technology they use to make these observations gets it wrong. This makes it easy to spot the unwitting impact of organisations you digitally interacted with.

Easy to install, simple‑to‑use

Install the free browser extension, connect it to your FORTYEIGHT account and you’re ready to go! Suitable for any device and available for a range of browsers. FORTYEIGHT has been developed using the latest progressive web app technology to give you the full app experience with no download required.

See FORTYEIGHT Observer in action

FORTYEIGHT is building a vision for the future, for the people that care today

Chiara (Munich, Germany)
“I never realised what tech knew about me”
until I started using FORTYEIGHT Observer. It’s facinating to learn how websites change the content recommended to me in ways I never even realised was possible.
Chiara (Munich, Germany)
Aaron (Manchester, UK)
“GDPR is for politicians, FORTYEIGHT is for me.”
I get tired of all the apps asking for consent. I just want to know when they make a decision about me, so I can decide whether I care enough to do something about it.
Aaron (Manchester, UK)
Marcin (Poland)
“Everyone is talking about digital privacy”
but this is the first time I’ve seen an app that balances digital privacy with transparency that helps me understand the positive and negative effects of the technology I use every day.
Marcin (Poland)

Use FORTYEIGHT, anywhere

Available for all devices, browsers, and operating systems. FORTYEIGHT uses the latest progressive web app technology to give you a full app experience, no download required.